Hello, wonderful you!

It’s nice to see you here.😊

Are you looking around for a glimpse of hope?

I get it. I’ve been there — searching high and low when God’s grace fell upon me.
I embraced his love, and he became real. His strength became my strength; his love became my love. <3

Now, I rest in him and long for his sweet whisper—finally letting go and letting grace.

I’m Julie Ann Somers. I’ve been crushed and broken, just like you. I cover my blemishes daily with the Word of God, while he assures me, it’s OK that I’m not perfect.

These days, he comforts me on my hike to Heaven. He wants to comfort you. Won’t you join us?

1 Peter 1:18-21 The Message (MSG)

18-21 Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately—at the end of the ages—become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It’s because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God.

Enjoy the journey…



Read excerpts of Chiseled, Sealed with Love, or A Greater Love by clicking on either book at the top of the home page of this website.